Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

Matthew Perry led a group of ships to Japan to encourage open trade. He told the Japanese that if they did not open trade with them, he would force them too. Although Perry was threatening them, the Japanese were amazed by the gifts and toys that had technology that they never seen before such as the motor train. The Shogun sign the agreement with Perry without concerning the emperor which made many Shi-Shi furious. The Shi-Shi started attacking the ships, the response from the west was not turning out very well. Japan was in struggle and a teacher named Yoshida Shoen was able to find a perfect solution that would industrialize Japan forever. He tought his students to not fear or hate the barbarians (Americans) but to study them in their own land and see how they live. One of Yoshida's students grew up to be

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