Monday, February 11, 2008

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal was one of the first leaders ever to separate religion from government and educational affairs. Ataturk felt that no person, group, or religion was any better then the other. His goal was to make every citizen equally important and that they should work hard everyday to feel united with their country. Ataturk saw the peasants as the true rulers, so he let woman vote in 1934. Kemalism is much like daily life in the United States. This was a revolution that not only modernized Turkey but let the world see how a country can be ruled with fairness, happiness, and in the best interest of the people. It did not matter what religion or race you were, and it did not matter what you practiced, Ataturk made a society where all could peacefully live together in a free world.

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