Thursday, March 20, 2008

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

"Night and Fog" showed just how inhumane the jews were treated. Im sure many people were surprised to find out how serious the holocaust really was. This is one of the worst cases of genocide of all time and it was done in such orginized manor, as if the nazis truly felt they were making a better world. "Schindler's List" was a more hollywood version of the holocaust and some of the events were not true, but for the most part it showed a good historical demonstration on the everyday hardships the jews had to face. "Night and Fog" showed more effectively just how harsh the jews were treated but "Shindler's List" showed how much they had to go through for mant years. Both of these films give a deep understanding to what it was like to be jewish back then and made me feel that such things should of never happened and should never happen again.

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