Monday, March 31, 2008

Film Lesson: "The Right Stuff"

This film showed the competition between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.. Americans lived in fear that the Joseph Stalin would try to spread communism across the world. The U.S. felt it had the advantage after they dropped the atomic bomb because they were the first country to have a atomic bomb. This glory did not last long, soon the Russians made even more powerful bombs called hydrogen bombs (H-bomb). The Americans then made H-bombs of their own. The Russians then made the first satalite to go into space, this start the competition of the astronauts. We put a monkey into space and they put a human. We were determined to get ahead of the Russians. We put a group of astronauts into space who became American heroes, which is what "The Rights Stuff" is about. We eventually got ahead of the game by being the first to put a man on the moon.

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