Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Treaty of Versailles (Ended WWI)

The Treaty of Versailles was thought of as many as what caused WWII. Germany lost WWI and was blamed and punished for it. They were forced to pay millions to other countries and lost many resources and land. When the United States stop loaning Germany money, nearly 30% of Germany got unemployed. All hope seemed lost and the German people were looking for a leader to bring Germany back into power. This is when Adolf Hitler got the attention of the German public, he promised to give Germany more living space and bring them back into power. What the German people did not know was that Hitler had plans of his own to dominate the world. The people were so desperate for a new leader that they looked right through Hitler's true plans. Hitler did make Germany more stable, and helped the economy greatly. The more he helped Germany, the more the German people wanted him to have power. This is when facism got involved, and the Hitler started his rampage which resulted in WWII. This is why many historians thinks that the Treaty of Versailles caused WWII.

1 comment:

David A. Andelman said...

For a great new take on the treaty and the end of World War I, do have a look at my wonderful new book, "A Shattered Peace: Versailles 1919 and the Price We Pay Today" [ ], just out from Wiley.
Available at Amazon and most book stores!
All the best
David A. Andelman